

Bre­ast bio­p­sy / tis­sue re­mo­val

Chan­ges in the bre­ast of­ten re­qui­re a hi­sto­lo­gi­cal ex­ami­na­ti­on to cla­rify whe­ther the chan­ge is be­nign or ma­li­gnant.

Nowadays, the tissue samples required for this (biopsy) can practically always be taken "minimally invasively", i.e. under local anaesthetic with imaging control using specially developed hollow needles. This is done on an outpatient basis.

Cour­se of tre­at­ment

In the case of palpation findings, unclear or suspicious findings in the ultrasound examination or in the mammogram, clarity can be provided by taking a tissue sample. The sample taken is always examined cytologically or histologically.

The Claraspital performs various available tissue sampling procedures: Fine needle aspiration, punch biopsy and vacuum biopsy.

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