

Pul­mo­n­ary re­ha­bi­li­ta­ti­on, RE­SPI­RA­RE

RE­SPI­RA­RE is a cer­ti­fied out­pa­ti­ent pul­mo­n­ary re­ha­bi­li­ta­ti­on pro­gram­me for pa­ti­ents suf­fe­ring from chro­nic re­spi­ra­tory di­se­a­se. This pro­gram­me is run in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the Pneu­mo­lo­gy De­part­ment of the Claraspital, the Lun­gen­li­ga bei­der Ba­sel LLBB and four other phy­sio­the­ra­py faci­li­ties in the Ba­sel re­gi­on.

Cour­se of tre­at­ment

RESPIRARE is indicated if you are restricted in your everyday life by a chronic lung disease. RESPIRARE is a programme that is usually carried out in a small group and supervised by a physiotherapist specialising in lung diseases. Once you have been prescribed outpatient pulmonary rehabilitation, you will usually receive several preparatory individual therapies until the therapist is of the opinion that you can continue training in a group. The aim of the therapy is to familiarise yourself with your exercise limits and to extend them. You will also receive valuable tips for your everyday life.


Monday 14.30 -16.00 (2 time slots of 45 minutes each)
Thursday 14.30 -16.00 (2 time slots of 45 minutes each)


Physiotherapy Department of the Claraspital Basel

Bring along

Comfortable sports clothing, indoor trainers, towel

Do you feel addressed?
Please contact us if you would like to register or
have any questions. We will be happy to help you.

Di­se­a­se pat­terns

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other chronic obstructive and restrictive lung diseases.

Frequently asked questions

Contact information

How you can reach us