


A trai­ning me­thod for body and mind that pro­mo­tes breat­hing, im­pro­ves mo­bi­li­ty and con­tri­bu­tes to re­la­xa­ti­on by fo­cus­sing on the mo­ve­ments.

Cour­se of tre­at­ment

Breathing, relaxation, slow and flowing movements and concentration on the centre of the body, the so-called "powerhouse", are the most important aspects of Pilates training. In particular, the abdominal and back muscles as well as the pelvic floor muscles are specifically trained, muscles that are essential for a healthy posture.

Bring along:
Comfortable sportswear, towel

Di­se­a­se pat­terns

Pilates is particularly suitable for people who suffer from back pain. However, the desire to strengthen the body and improve endurance and flexibility can also be indications for taking up Pilates training.

Frequently asked questions

Contact information

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