

Knee and hip joint ar­thro­sis

Osteo­ar­thri­tis is a de­ge­ne­ra­ti­ve joint di­se­a­se (joint wear and tear) that can de­ve­lop in all joints of the body over the cour­se of a life­time.


  • Joint pain under stress and, depending on the stage of the disease, also at rest
  • Joint pain during terminal movements of the affected joint
  • Initial pain in the affected joint
  • Inflammation in the acute stage (signs of inflammation: pain, swelling, redness, warmth, restriction of movement)
  • Deformities, deviations from the original leg axis


Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease (joint wear and tear) that occurs due to a mismatch between the individual load and the individual load-bearing capacity of a joint.


Medical history, clinical examination, radiological examinations

Pos­si­ble tre­at­ments

  • Measures in the context of GLA:D therapy:
  • Training
  • Mobilisation of the affected joint
  • Stretching the muscles moving the joint
  • Strengthening the affected extremity
  • Movement training

Additional measures:
Passive pain-relieving measures

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