

Hea­d­a­ches and mi­grai­nes

The­re are more than 200 dif­fe­rent ty­pes of hea­d­ache. They dif­fer in ter­ms of trig­ger, lo­ca­li­sa­ti­on, pain cha­rac­ter, in­ten­si­ty and ac­com­pany­ing sym­ptoms. The best kno­wn are ten­si­on hea­d­a­ches, mi­grai­nes and clu­ster hea­d­a­ches. Hea­d­a­ches can also oc­cur as part of other ill­nesses and in­ju­ries.


  • Primary headaches as part of a migraine, tension headaches and trigeminal autonomic headaches.
  • Secondary headaches as a result of an injury to the head and/or cervical spine, as a result of infections, vascular disorders, diseases in the area of the skull and psychological disorders.
  • Neuropathies and facial pain due to painful lesions of the cranial nerves

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