

Chro­nic pel­vic pain syn­drome (CPPS)

This is chro­nic, per­si­stent or re­cur­ring pain in the pel­vic area that can af­fect va­rious are­as and/or or­gans of the pel­vis.


  • Pain in the area of the pelvis / pelvic floor
  • Discomfort or pain when urinating or during sexual intercourse
  • Erectile dysfunction


The exact causes of CPPS are unclear.

  • Tension in the pelvic floor, hip or abdominal muscles
  • Back problems
  • Disorders of the prostate, uterus, bladder, testicles, anus or rectum

Pos­si­ble tre­at­ments

  • Pelvic floor ablation
  • Visceral techniques

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