Zertifiziertes Zentrum

Uroon­ko­lo­gi­sches Zen­trum für Pro­sta­ta und Nie­re


  • Leighton X, Bera A, Eidelman O, Bubendorf L, Zellweger T, Banerjee J, Gelmann EP, Pollard HB, Srivastava M. Tissue microarray analysis delineate potential prognostic role of Annexin A7 in prostate cancer progression. PLoS One. 2018 Oct 15; 13(10).
  • Federer-Gsponer JR, Quintavalle C, Müller DC, Dietsche T, Perrina V, Lorber T, Juskevicius D, Lenkiewicz E, Zellweger T, Gasser T, Barrett MT, Rentsch CA, Bubendorf L, Ruiz C. Delineation of human prostate cancer evolution identifies chromothripsis as a polyclonal event and FKBP4 as a potential driver of castration resistance. J Pathol. 2018 May; 245(1): 74–84.
  • Offermann A., Vlasic I., Syring I., Vogel W., Ruiz C., Zellweger T., Rentsch C., Hagedorn S., Behrends J., Nowak M., Merseburger A., Bubendorf L., Kirfel J., Duensing S., ShaikhibrahimZ.,Per-ner S.: MED15 overexpression in prostate cancer arises during androgen deprivation therapy via-PI3K/mTOR signaling. Oncotarget. 10 Dec 2016
  • Vedana M, Fuenfschilling M, Tzankov A, Zellweger T.: Primary synovial cell sarcoma of the kidney: case report and review of the literature. Case Rep Oncol. 2015 Mar 3;8(1):128-32.
  • Wetterauer C, Vlajnic T, Schüler J, Gsponer JR, Thalmann GN, Cecchini M, Schneider J, Zellweger T, Pueschel H, Bachmann A, Ruiz C, Dirnhofer S, Bubendorf L, Rentsch CA: Early development of human lymphomas in a prostate cancer xenograft program using triple knock-out immunocompromised mice. Prostate. 2015 May;75(6):585-92. 
  • Vlajnic T, Oeggerli M, Rentsch C, Püschel H, Zellweger T, Thalmann GN, Ruiz C, Bubendorf L.: Ceramic foam plates: a new tool for processing fresh radical prostatectomy specimens. Virchows Arch. 2014 Dec;465(6):637-42. 
  • Wetterauer C, Weibel M, Gsponer JR, Vlajnic T, Zellweger T, Bütikofer S, Müller G, Püschel H, Bachmann A, Gasser TC, Bubendorf L, Rentsch CA.: Incidental prostate cancer prevalence at radical cystoprostatectomy--importance of the histopathological work-up. Virchows Arch. 2014 Dec;465(6):629-36.
  • Shaikhibrahim Z, Offermann A, Braun M, Menon R, Syring I, Nowak M, Halbach R, Vogel W, Ruiz C, Zellweger T, Rentsch CA, Svensson M, Andren O, Bubendorf L, Biskup S, Duensing S, Kirfel J, Perner S.: MED12 overexpression is a frequent event in castration-resistant prostate cancer. Endocr Relat Cancer. 2014 Aug;21(4):663-75.
  • Gsponer JR, Braun M, Scheble VJ, Zellweger T, Bachmann A, Perner S, Vlajnic T, Srivastava M, Tan SH, Dobi A, Sesterhenn IA, Srivastava S, Bubendorf L, Ruiz C.: ERG rearrangement and protein expression in the progression to castration-resistant prostate cancer. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 2014 Jun;17(2):126-31.
  • Shaikhibrahim Z., Offermann A., Braun M., Menon R., Syring I., Nowak M., Halbach R., Vogel W., Ruiz C., Zellweger T., Rentsch C.A., Svensson M., Andren O., Bubendorf L., Biskup S., Duensing S., Kirfel J., Perner S.: MED12 overexpression is a frequent event in castration-resistant prostate cancer. Endocr Relat Cancer. Aug 2014: 21(4): 663–75.
  • Vlajnic T., Oeggerli M., Rentsch C., Püschel H., Zellweger T., Thalmann G.N., Ruiz C., Bubendorf L.: Ceramic foam plates: a new tool for processing fresh radical prostatectomy specimens. Virchows Arch. Dec 2014: 465(6): 637–42.
  • Wetterauer C., Weibel M., Gsponer J.R., Vlajnic T., Zellweger T., Bütikofer S., Müller G., Püschel H., Bachmann A., Gasser T.C., Bubendorf L., Rentsch C.A.: Incidental prostate cancer prevalence at radical cystoprostatectomy – importance of the histopathological workup. Virchows Arch. Dec 2014: 465(6): 629–36.
  • MED15, encoding a subunit of the mediator complex, is overexpressed at high frequency in castration-resistant prostate cancer.
    Shaikhibrahim Z, Menon R, Braun M, Offermann A, Queisser A, Boehm D, Vogel W, Rüenauver K, Ruiz C, Zellweger T, Svensson M, Andren O, Kristiansen G, Wernert N, Bubendorf L, Kirfel J, Biskup S, Perner S. Int J Cancer. 2014 Jul 1;135(1):19-26.
  • [Renal masses and indication to nephrectomy: preoperative assessment and clinical presentation of five cases]. Vedana M, Geisler S, Zellweger T, Gasser T.
    Rev Med Suisse. 2013 Nov 20;9(407):2184-8.
  • Characterization and clinical relevance of ALDHbright populations in prostate cancer.
    Le Magnen C, Bubendorf L, Rentsch CA, Mengus C, Gsponer J, Zellweger T, Rieken M, Thalmann GN, Cecchini MG, Germann M, Bachmann A, Wyler S, Heberer M, Spagnoli GC.
    Clin Cancer Res. 2013 Oct 1;19(19):5361-71.
  • Estrogen receptor β expression and androgen receptor phosphorylation correlate with a poor clinical outcome in hormone-naive prostate cancer and are elevated in castration-resistant disease.
    Zellweger T, Stürm S, Rey S, Zlobec I, Gsponer JR, Rentsch CA, Terracciano LM, Bachmann A, Bubendorf L, Ruiz C.
    Endocr Relat Cancer. 2013 May 21;20(3):403-13.
  • ERG rearrangement in local recurrences compared to distant metastases of castration-resistant prostate cancer.
    Scheble VJ, Scharf G, Braun M, Ruiz C, Stürm S, Petersen K, Beschorner R, Bachmann A, Zellweger T, Fend F, Kristiansen G, Bubendorf L, Wernert N, Shaikhibrahim Z, Perner S.
    Virchows Arch. 2012 Aug;461(2):157-62.
  • High NRBP1 expression in prostate cancer is linked with poor clinical outcomes and increased cancer cell growth.
    Ruiz C, Oeggerli M, Germann M, Gluderer S, Stocker H, Andreozzi M, Thalmann GN, Cecchini MG, Zellweger T, Stürm S, Koivisto PA, Helin HJ, Gelmann EP, Glass AG, Gasser TC, Terracciano LM, Bachmann A, Wyler S, Bubendorf L, Rentsch CA.
    Prostate. 2012 Nov;72(15):1678-87.
  • Zellweger T., Christ-Crain M.: Ist das Aging-Male-Syndrom noch aktuell? Swiss Medical Forum 11(51-52):979-980 (2011)
  • Ruiz C., Lenkiewicz E., Evers L., Holley T., Robeson A., Kiefer J., Demeure M.J., Hollingsworth M.A., Shen M., Prunkard D., Rabinovitch P.S., Zellweger T., Mousses S., Trent J.M., Carpten J.D., Bubendorf L., Von Hoff D., Barrett M.T.: Advancing a clinically relevant perspective of the clonal nature of cancer. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 108(29): 12054-9 (2011)
  • Ruiz C., Holz D.R., Oeggerli M., Schneider S., Gonzales I.M., Kiefer J.M., Zellweger T., Bachmann A., Koivisto P.A., Helin H.J., Mousses S, Barrett M.T., Azorsa D.O., Bubendorf L.: Amplification and overexpression of vinculin are associated with increased tumour cell proliferation and progression in advanced prostate cancer. Journal of Pathology 223(4): 543-52 (2011)
  • Hailemariam S., Vosbeck J., Cathomas G., Zlobec I., Mattarelli G., Eichenberger T., Zellweger T., Bachmann A., Gasser T.C., Bubendorf L.: Can molecular markers stratify the diagnostic value of high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia? Human Patholology 42(5): 702-9 (2011)
  • Zellweger T.: Was tun bei Hämaturie? Swiss Medical Forum 10 (51-52): 921-23 (2010)
  • Ruiz C., Holz D.R., Oeggerli M., Schneider S., Gonzales I.M., Kiefer J.M., Zellweger T., Bachmann A., Koivisto P.A., Helin H.J., Mousses S., Barrett M.T., Azorsa D.O., Bubendorf L.: Amplification and overexpression of vinculin are associated with increased tumour cell proliferation and progression in advanced prostate cancer. Journal of Pathology (2010) Nov. 25.
  • Savic S., Zlobec I., Thalmann G.N., Engeler D., Schmauss M., Lehmann K., Mattarelli G., Eichenberger T., Dalquen P., Spieler P., Schoenegg R., Gasser T.C., Sulser T., Forster T., Zellweger T., Casella R., Bubendorf L.: The prognostic value of cytology and fluorescence in situ hybridization in the follow-up of nonmuscle-invasive bladder cancer after intravesical Bacillus Calmette-Guérin therapy. International Journal of Cancer 124(12): 2899-904 (2009)
  • Zellweger T., Günther S., Zlobec I., Savic S., Sauter G., Moch H., Mattarelli G., Eichenberger T., Curschellas E., Rüfenacht H., Bachmann A., Gasser T.C., Mihatsch M.J., Bubendorf L.: Tumour growth fraction measured by immunohistochemical staining of Ki67 is an independent prognostic factor in preoperative prostate biopsies with small-volume or low-grade prostate cancer. International Journal of Cancer 124(9): 2116-23 (2009)
  • Zellweger T.: Prostatakarzinom im Frühstadium: Abwarten oder therapieren? Swiss Medical Forum 9 (51-52):958-959 (2009)
  • Tan S.H., Dagvadorj A., Shen F., Gu L., Liao Z., Abdulghani J., Zhang Y., Gelmann E.P., Zellweger T., Culig Z., Visakorpi T., Bubendorf L., Kirken R.A., Karras J., Nevalainen M.T.: Transcription factor Stat5 synergizes with androgen receptor in prostate cancer cells. Cancer Research 68(1): 236-48 (2008)
  • Abdulghani J., Gu L., Dagvadorj A., Lutz J., Leiby B., Bonuccelli G., Lisanti M.P., Zellweger T., Alanen K., Mirtti T., Visakorpi T., Bubendorf L., Nevalainen M.T.: Stat3 promotes metastatic progression of prostate cancer. American Journal of Pathology 172(6): 1717-28 (2008)
  • Zellweger T.: Therapie des Nierenzellkarzinoms: Keine Revolution, aber viel Neues. Swiss Medical Forum 8 (51-52): 1023-1024 (2008)
  • Dagvadorj A., Collins S., Jomain J.B., Abdulghani J., Karras J., Zellweger T., Li H., Nurmi M., Alanen K., Mirtti T., Visakorpi T., Bubendorf L., Goffin V., Nevalainen M.T.: Autocrine prolactin promotes prostate cancer cell growth via Janus kinase-2-signal transducer and activator of transcription-5a/b signaling pathway. Endocrinology 148(7): 3089-101 (2007)
  • Zellweger T., Gasser T.: Urininkontinenz – wann welche Therapie? Swiss Medical Forum 1: 35-37 (2007)
  • Zellweger T., Benz G., Cathomas G., Mihatsch M., Sulser T., Gasser T., Bubendorf L.: Multi-target fluorescence in situ hybridization in bladder washings for prediction of recurrent bladder cancer. International Journal of Cancer. 119(7): 1660-1665 (2006)
  • Seiffert H.H., Mazzola B., Zellweger T., Ruszat R., Muller A., Burkhalter F., Steiger J., Sulser T., Bachmann A.: Ureteral obstruction after dextranomer/hyaluronic acid copolymer injection for treatment of secondary vesicoureteral reflux after renal transplantation. Urology 68(1): 203.e17-19 (2006)
  • Zellweger T., Ninck C., Bloch M., Mirlacher M., Koivisto P.A., Mihatsch M.J., Gasser T.C., Bubendorf L.: Expression Patterns of Potential Therapeutic Targets in Prostate Cancer. International Journal of Cancer 113 (4): 619-628 (2005)
  • Zellweger T., Gasser T.: Lokalisiertes Prostatakarzinom: Operieren, bestrahlen oder zuwarten? Praxis - Schweizerische Rundschau für Medizin 94(34):1307 -1308 (2005)
  • Li H., Zhang Y., Glass A., Zellweger T., Gehan E., Bubendorf L., Gelmann E., Nevalainen M.T.: Activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription-5 (Stat5) in prostate cancer predicts early recurrence.  Clinical Cancer Research 11(16): 5863-5868 (2005)
  • Zellweger T, Gasser T: Benigne Prostatahyperplasie: Hat das Messer ausgedient? Swiss Medical Forum 5: 1308-09 (2005)
  • Zellweger T., Benz G., Herzog M., Grilli B., Mihatsch M., Gasser T., Bubendorf L.: FISH für eine verbesserte Abschätzung des Rezidivrisikos nach transurethraler Resektion von Urothelkarzinomen. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pathologie 88, 194-198 (2004)
  • Zellweger T., Ninck C., Mirlacher M., Glass A.G., Gasser T.C., Mihatsch M.J.,Gelmann E.P., Bubendorf L.: Tissue microarray analysis reveals prognostic importance of syndecan-1 expression in prostate cancer. The Prostate 55: 20-29 (2003)
  • Kiyama S., Morrison K., Zellweger T., Akbari M, Cox M., Miyake H., Yu D.,Gleave M.E.: Antisense IGF-BP-2 oligonucleotides induceapoptosis and delay progression to androgen-independence after castration in human prostate cancer tumor models. Cancer Research 63 (13): 3575-3584 (2003)
  • Zellweger T., Chi K., Kiyama S., Miyake H., Adomat H., Skov K., Gleave M.E.: Over-expression of the cell survival protein clusterin decreases radiosensitivity in the human LNCaP prostate tumor model. British Journal of Urology 92 (4): 463-469 (2003)
  • Zellweger T., Gasser T.: PSA – Fluch oder Segen? Swiss Medical Forum 51/52: 1284-1286 (2003)
  • July L., Akbari M., Zellweger T., Jones E.C., Goldenberg S.L., Gleave M.E.: Clusterin expression is enhanced following androgen withdrawal therapy in prostate cancer patients. The Prostate 15; 50 (3): 179-188 (2002)
  • Zellweger T., Chi K., Miyake H., Adomat H., Kiyama S., Skov K., Gleave M.E.: Enhanced radiation sensitivity in prostate cancer by inhibition of the cell survival protein clusterin. Clinical Cancer Research 8 (10): 3276-3284 (2002)
  • Zellweger T., Chi K., Miyake H., Kiyama S., July L.V., Akbari M., Gleave M.E.: Targeting cell survival genes using antisense oligonucleotides to improve chemo- and hormonal therapies in prostate cancer. European Urology Suppl. 1: 7-14 (2002)
  • Gleave M., Zellweger T., Chi K., Miyake H., Kiyama S., July L., Leung S.: Targeting anti-apoptotic genes upregulated by androgen withdrawal using antisense oligonucleotides to enhance androgen- and chemo-sensitivity in prostate cancer. Investigative New Drugs 20 (2): 145-158 (2002)
  • Leung S., Miyake H., Zellweger T., Gleave M.E.: Synergistic chemosensitization and inhibition of progression to androgen-independence by antisense bcl-2 oligodeoxynucleotide and paclitaxel in the LNCaP prostate tumor model. International Journal of Cancer 15; 91 (6): 846-850 (2001)
  • Zellweger T., Miyake H., Cooper S., Conklin B., Monia B.P., Gleave M.E.: Pharmaco kinetics of antisense oligonucleotides is improved in vitro and in vivo by incorporation of 2‘-O-(2-methoxy) ethyl chemistry.  Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 298 (3): 934-940 (2001)
  • Gleave M.E., Miyake H., Zellweger T., Chi K., July LV., Nelson C., Rennie P.: Use of antisense oligonucleotides targeting the antiapoptotic gene, clusterin, to enhance androgen- and chemo-sensitivity in Prostate cancer. Urology 58 (2) Suppl 1 (2001)
  • Zellweger T., Miyake H., July L.V., Akbari M., Kiyama S., Gleave M.E.: Chemosensitization of human renal cell cancer using antisense oligonucleotides targeting the anti-apoptotic gene clusterin. Neoplasia 3 (4): 360-367 (2001)
  • Miyake H., Hara S., Zellweger T., Kamidono S., Gleave M.E., Hara I.: Acquisition of resistance to Fas-mediated apoptosis by overexpression of clusterin in human renal cell carcinoma cells. Molecular Urology 5 (3): 105-111 (2001)
  • Zellweger T., Ackermann D.: Abklärung und Rezidivprophylaxe der Nephrolithiasis. Ärztejournal für die Schweiz 3, 35-37 (1999)
  • Neuhaus M., Wagner U., Schmid U., Ackermann D., Zellweger T., Maurer R., Alund G.,Knönagel H., Rist M., Moch H., Mihatsch M.J., Gasser Th.C., Sauter G.: Polysomy 1 and 17 but not Y chromosome losses have prognostic significance in superficial urinary bladder cancer. Human Pathology 30 (1): 81-86 (1999)
  • Wagner U., Süess K., Schmid U., Ackermann D., Zellweger T., Maurer R., Alund G., Knönagel H., Rist M., Jordan P., Moch H., Mihatsch M.J., Gasser Th. C., Sauter G.: Cyclin D1 overexpression lacks prognostic significance in superficial urinary bladder cancer. Journal of Pathology 188 (1): 44-50 (1999)
  • Zhao J., Richter J., Wagner U., Roth B., Schraml P., Zellweger T., Ackermann D., Schmid U., Moch H., Mihatsch M.J., Gasser T.C., Sauter G.: Chromosomal imbalances in noninvasive bladder neoplasms (pTa). Cancer Research 15, 59 (18): 4658-4661 (1999)
  • Zellweger T., Grob R., Buhl D., Müller J., Ackermann D.: Analyse von Harnwegsinfekten in der Ostschweiz 1993 -1995. Aktuelle Urologie 2, 67-70 (1998)
  • R. Schaffert, P. Rüesch, R. Gügler, S. Fischer, H.P. Schmid, P. Spörri, M. Zurkirchen, R. Ruszat: Information needs of patients with prostate cancer: Pronounced differences between individuals after diagnosis of localisd prostate carcinoma. Urologe A 50(9):1089-94 (2011)
  • R. Ruszat, M. Seitz, S.F. Wyler, G. Müller, M. Rieken, G. Bonkat, T.C. Gasser, O. Reich, A. Bachmann. Prospective single-centre comparison of 120-W diode-pumped solid-state high-intensity system laser vaporization of the prostate for treating benign prostatic hyperplasia. BJU Int 104(6):820-5 (2009)
  • U. Walker, A. Tyndall, R. Ruszat. Erectile sysfunction in systemic sclerosis. Ann Rheum Dis 68(7): 1083-5 (2009)
  • A. Bachmann, S. Wyler, T. Wolff, L. Gürke, J. Steiger, C. Kettelhack, T. Gasser, R. Ruszat. Complications of retroperitoneoscopic living donor nephrectomy: single center experience after 164 cases. World J Urol 26(6): 549-54 (2008)
  • S. Wyler, A. Bachmann, B. Weltzien, T. Gasser, R. Ruszat. Retroperitoneoscopic renal surgery: Indications, technique, and results after 360 procedures. Urologe A 47(8):955-9 (2008)
  • R. Ruszat, M. Seitz, S. Wyler, C. Abe, M. Rieken, O. Reich, T. Gasser, A. Bachmann. Greenlight laser vaporization of the prostate: Single center experience and long-term results after 500 procedures. European Urology 54(4):893-901 (2008)
  • R. Ruszat, S. Wyler, M. Seitz, K. Lehmann, C. Abe, G. Bonkat, O. Reich, T. Gasser, A. Bachmann. Comparison of greenlight laser vaporization of the prostate and transurethral electroresection of the prostate: Update of a prospective non-randomised bi-centric study. BJU int 102(10): 1432-8 (2008)
  • R. Ruszat, S. Wyler, L. Gürke, F. Gambazzi, N. Ebinger, J. Steiger, T. Sulser, T. Gasser, A. Bachmann. Endoscopic management of bisected hemidiaphragm during retroperitoneoscopic donor nephrectomy. Urology 72(5): 1185 (2008)
  • A. Bachmann, R. Ruszat. The KTP- (greenlight-) laser—principles and experiences. Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol 16(1): 5-10 (2007)
  • A. Bachmann, R. Ruszat. Greenlight laser vaporization or conventional electroresection of the prostate for the treatment of symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia--David against Goliath? Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax 96(3):61-7 (2007)
  • R. Ruszat, S.F. Wyler, T. Wolff, T. Forster, C. Lenggenhager, M. Dickenmann, T. Eugster, L. Gurke, J. Steiger, T.C. Gasser, T. Sulser, A. Bachmann. Reluctance over right-sided retroperitoneoscopic living donor nephrectomy: justified or not? Transplant Proc 39(5):1381-5 (2007)
  • R. Ruszat, S. Wyler, T. Forster, O. Reich, C.G. Stief, T.C. Gasser, T. Sulser, A. Bachmann. Safety and Effectiveness of Photoselective Vaporization of the Prostate (PVP) in Patients on Ongoing Oral Anticoagulation. Eur Urol 51(4):1031-41 (2007)
  • R. Ruszat, S. Wyler, H.H. Seifert, O. Reich, T. Forster, C.G. Stief, T. Sulser, A. Bachmann. Photoselective vaporization of the prostate: Experience with prostate adenomas >80 cm(3). Urologe A 45(7):858-864 (2006)
  • R. Ruszat, S. Wyler, H.H. Seifert, O. Reich, T. Forster, T. Sulser, A. Bachmann. Photoselective vaporization of the prostate: subgroup analysis of men with refractory urinary retention. Eur Urol 50(5):1040-9 (2006)
  • R. Ruszat, T. Sulser, M. Dickenmann, T. Wolff, L. Gurke, T. Eugster, I. Langer, P. Vogelbach, J. Steiger, T.C. Gasser, C.G. Stief, A. Bachmann. Retroperitoneoscopic donor nephrectomy: donor outcome and complication rate in comparison with three different techniques. World J Urol 24(1):113-7 (2006)
  • R. Ruszat, R. Casella, A. Bachmann, T.C. Gasser, T. Sulser. Primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the kidney with hyaline cells. Urol Int 75 (2):184-6 (2005)
  • Rüesch P., Schaffert R., Fischer S., Feldman-Stewart D., Ruszat R., Spörri P., Zurkirchen M., Schmid H.P.: Information needs of early-stage prostate cancer patients: withinand between-group agreement of patients and health professionals. Support Care Cancer 22(4):999-1007 (2014)
  • M. Seitz, T. Bayer, R. Ruszat, D. Tilki, A. Bachmann, C. Gratzke, B. Schlenker, C. Stief, R. Sroka, O. Reich. Preliminary evaluation of a novel side-fire diode laser emitting light at 940 nm, for the potential treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: ex-vivo and in-vivo investigations. BJU Int 103(6): 770-5 (2009)
  • A. Businger, A. Zettl, S. Sonnet, R. Ruszat, M. von Flüe: Primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the kidney in an adult: a case report. Cases J 5; 2: 6791 (2009)
  • M. Seitz, R. Ruszat, T. Bayer, D. Tilki, A. Bachmann, C. Stief, R. Sroka, O. Reich. Ex vivo and in vivo investigations of the novel 1,470 nm diode laser for potential treatment of benign prostatic enlargement. Lasers Med Sci 24(3): 419-24 (2009)
  • T.H. Forster, G. Bonkat, S. Wyler, R. Ruszat, N. Ebinger, T.C. Gasser, A. Bachmann. Diagnosis and therapy of acute ureteral colic. Wien Klin Wochenschr 120(11-12):325-34 (2008)
  • C. Feder-Mengus, S. Wyler, T. Hudolin, R. Ruszat, L. Bubendorf, A. CHiarugi, M. Pitelli, W.P. Weber, A. Bachmann, T.C. Gasser, T. Sulser, M. Heberer, G.C. Spagnoli, M. Provenzano. High expression of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase gene in prostate cancer. Eur J Cancer 44(15): 2266-75 (2008)
  • N. Ebinger, R. Ruszat, T. Forster, S. Wyler, S. Schaub, T. Gasser, A. Bachmann. Oberflächlicher papillärer Blasentumor mit Myoglobinurie…Schweiz Med Forum (17):323-325 (2008)
  • M.J. Kim, A. Bachmann, M.J. Mihatsch, R. Ruszat, T. Sulser, M. Mayr. Acute renal failure after continuous flow irrigation in patients treated with potassium-titanyl-phosphate laser vaporization of the prostate. Am J Kidney Dis 51 (4): e19-24 (2008)
  • H.H. Seifert, B. Mazzola, R. Ruszat, A. Muller, J. Steiger, A. Bachmann, T. Sulser. Transurethral injection therapy with dextranomer/hyaluronic Acid copolymer (deflux((r))) for treatment of secondary vesicoureteral reflux after renal transplantation. J Endourol 21(11):1357-60 (2007)
  • T.H. Forster, S. Wyler, R. Ruszat, T.C. Gasser, A. Bachmann. "... The better to see you with"--phothodynamic diagnostic in superficial bladder cancer. Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax 17;96(42):1631-7 (2007)
  • G. Bonkat, R. Ruszat, T. Forster, S. Wyler, V.S. Dogra, A. Bachmann. Benign space-occupying cysts in the testis : An overview. Urologe A 46(12):1697-1703 (2007)
  • S. Wyler, A. Bachmann, R. Ruszat, T. Forster, T. Hudolin, T.C. Gasser, T. Sulser. Retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: initial experience. Urol int 79 (2): 137-41 (2007)
  • M. Seitz, A. Ackermann, C. Gratzke, B. Schlenker, R. Ruszat, A. Bachmann, C. Stief, O. Reich, R. Sroka. Diode laser: Ex vivo studies on vaporization and coagulation characteristics. Urologe A 46(9):1242-7 (2007)
  • S. Wyler, R. Ruszat, B. Weltzien, T.H. Forster, M. Provenzano, T. Sulser, T.C. Gasser, A. Bachmann. Intermediate-term results of retroperitoneoscopic cryotherapy for small renal tumors using multiple ultrathin cryoprobes. Eur Urol 51(4): 971-9 (2007)
  • S. Wyler, R. Ruszat, U. Straumann, T. Forster, M. Provenzano, T. Sulser, T.C. Gasser, A. Bachmann. Short, intermediate and long-term quality of life after laparoscopic radical prostatectomy- does training of LRP have a negative impact on patients’ quality of life? Eur Urol 51(4): 1004-14 (2007)
  • S. Wyler, T. Sulser, HH Seifert, R. Ruszat, T.H. Forster, T.C. Gasser, A. Bachmann. Laparoscopic extended pelvic lymph node dissection for high risk prostate cancer. Urology 68(4): 883-887 (2006)
  • H.H. Seifert, B. Mazzola, T. Zellweger, R. Ruszat, A. Muller, F. Burkhalter, J. Stieger, T. Sulser, A. Bachmann. Ureteral obstruction after dextranomer/hyaluronic acid copolymer injection for treatment of secondary vesicoureteral reflux after renal transplantation. Urology 68(1):203.e17-9 (2006)
  • A. Bachmann, T. Wolff, O. Giannini, M. Dickenmann, R. Ruszat, L. Gurke, M. Kaufmann, T.C. Gasser, J. Steiger, C.G. Stief, T. Sulser. How painful is donor nephrectomy? Retrospective analysis of early pain and pain management in open versus laparoscopic versus retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy. Transplantation 81(12):1735-8 (2006)
  • A. Bachmann, R. Ruszat, T. Forster, D. Eberli, M. Zimmermann, A. Muller, T.C. Gasser, T. Sulser, S. Wyler. Retroperitoneoscopic pyeloplasty for ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO): solving the technical difficulties. Eur Urol 49(2):264-72 (2006)
  • A. Bachmann, R. Ruszat, M. Dickenmann, O. Giannini, M. Mayr, J. STieger, T.C. Gasser, T. Sulser. Chyloretroperitoneum with secondary chylothorax after retroperitoneoscopic donor nephrectomy. Urology 66(4):881 (2005)
  • A. Bachmann, L. Schürch, R. Ruszat, S. Wyler, HH Seifert, A. Müller, K. Lehmann, T. Sulser. Photoselective Vaporization (PVP) versus Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP): A Prospective Bi-Centre Study of Perioperative Morbidity and Early Functional Outcome. Eur Urol 48(6) :965-971 (2005)
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