Wel­come to the Claraspital

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We act consistently on behalf of our patients, with the highest level of medical and nursing expertise and great cordiality.

Medizinisches Angebot Viszeralchirurgie 3 Clarunis Teaser

Cent­re ho­spi­tal

The Claraspital is clearly positioned with its Tumour Centre, the Clarunis University Abdominal Centre, its specialist departments and certified centres.

Clarunis is the centre of excellence of the Claraspital and the University Hospital Basel for all patients requiring treatment in the abdominal area.


Clarunis combines the expertise, research activities and number of patients treated at both hospitals in order to further increase and improve the quality of diagnosis and treatment.

Clarunis - University Abdominal Centre Basel
Hatzung Rebekka Testimonial
«People at the centre is a strongly anchored and lived value at Claraspital»
- Rebekka Hatzung, Hospital Director


Events at the Claraspital

Medizinisches Angebot Endokrinologie Clarspital Content

Impressive figures

Convincing quality

93,8 %
Sa­tis­fied pa­ti­ents
For­tu­n­a­tely, the ma­jo­ri­ty of our pa­ti­ents con­firm their sa­tis­fac­tion with the me­di­cal and nur­sing tre­at­ment in our mea­su­re­ments.
Cla­ra em­ployees
At Claraspital, high­ly qua­li­fied em­ployees from many dif­fe­rent coun­tries find work­places whe­re they can de­ve­lop both pro­fes­sio­nal­ly and per­so­nal­ly.
High­ly spe­cia­li­sed in­ter­ven­ti­ons
The Claraspital has been com­mis­sio­ned by the Swi­ss de­ci­si­on-ma­king body for high­ly spe­cia­li­sed me­di­ci­ne (HSM) to pro­vi­de ser­vices in com­plex, high­ly spe­cia­li­sed vis­ceral sur­gery.